Support please!! It is only $28 and the multimedia is done by our legendary senior! haha...and Nora Samosir is really good! Go watch and tell me about it k? ;)
Nothing is an exploration of urban alienation. Written and directed by Natalie Hennedige, and performed by Goh Guat Kian, Nora Samosir, Rizman Putra, Peter Sau & Siti Khalijah, the talented cast will play multiple characters, some entirely identifiable, some obscure, some mundane, some elusive to create a poignant, meditative and funny tapestry of the human condition in the midst of urban frantic and noise. It will employ electronic music and noise and a stark stylish set as well original and found text.
See the laundry in the machine. It goes round and round.
See your reflection in the glass you are a great sad clown.
Hello Mister. Hello Miss. Where are you off to now?
May I join you on your way into the great abyss?
I won't say a single word or get in your way
I'll just be a companion. Grey.
It will be a grand nothing day.
Say yes. Say.
See your reflection in the glass you are a great sad clown.
Hello Mister. Hello Miss. Where are you off to now?
May I join you on your way into the great abyss?
I won't say a single word or get in your way
I'll just be a companion. Grey.
It will be a grand nothing day.
Say yes. Say.
Who's the legendary senior?
backtracking>> so you did find a way to get a 'tan' even in gray London huh?
nut > brian gothong tan! haha yeah for some reason i m still tanned la, and didnt expect a sunburnt playing with snow. haha
haha.. Better put moisturizer.. else start peeling very ugly. Hhaha or has it already started peeling already? You hvent been online ah? Yesterday I was there till quite late.. didnt see you.
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