Many photos coming up! After Bern i went to Geneva and after meeting Angela at the airport, we took a train to Luzern, a really charming lakefront town surrounded by the lower part of the Alpes. When i was very young, my sis and I bought a 2000pcs puzzle and put it up together, the image of the puzzle is the tower and the bridge of Luzern Lake. It has been hanging on our wall for ages without me knowing it is actualy this beautiful place in Switzerland. The feeling is really great when i was finally upfront with the real scenery.
Really grateful for the good weather when we were there

We had our first mountain trip up to Rigi Mt at the high of 1800 meters. The trip started with a boat journey across the lake, followed by a rail train ride all the way to the top. Apparently it is the first mountain rail system in the world. (Do I really sound like a tour guide or what.)
Some sceneries we caught on the boat

Up on Mt Rigi, Angela and I were behaving like suaku kias as that was the first time both of us encounter deep snow. First we got trapped in the snow and laughing like crazy infront of the angmohs. Then we were taking pictures like crazy and spent a whole lot of time playing with the snow. She even made some snow bunnies which later became a tourist attraction where passer by would take pictures of them. We were mad happy and contented with what we saw on this mountain already without realising that there is grander experiences ahead.

The view from the mountain top, overlooking Luzern and its lake.

After whole day of indulgence in the white land we were brought back to greenery by cable cars . Spotted some meh meh on the way to catch the ferry back to Luzern town.
We continued our journey by taking a train to Engelberg, one hour away from Luzern. It is a skii town with lots of hotels and skii shops and it is located just right underneath Mt Titlis, a 3238 meters high mountain with snow all year round. We were really excited as this mountain is almost double the height of the previous one we went. After an hour plus (or is it more?) of travelling on cable cars we were exhalling air of great excitement. Man we were above the clouds! There were lots of skiiers and snowboarders doing their cool stunt while we snapped pictures like China and Indian tourists. It was great fun trying to walk on hard snow and slipped and fell flat on the butt occasionally. Really really cool and cold stuff!

A lot of panaromic to see hor... Sorry for the sloppy job as i am really lazy to joint them nicely la.But trust me, the real scene is nothing like the picture, the impact is hundred times greater! In case you are wondering if we are cold since it seems like we were wearing so little, yes we were very cold! but for vanity sake, we took off our jackets at points of time to take pictures la.. haha
So yeah, we did nothing much except taking pictures and took a silly balloon thing. We took the ski lift as well that flew across a beautiful glacier path and went into an ice cave. The whole experience robbed one day too and then we took the cable cars back down to the ground, blood rushing and still high on the near heaven experience we just had. Okay sorry, sound erotic. Well, it was just very beautiful la.
After the Mt Titlis, we took a train again this time towards Interlaken where we will meet the heart of the Alpes, the top of Europe, the famous Jungfraubahn. Standing tall at 3,471meters high, it is the peak of the Alpes. Couldnt wait, but there was beautiful beautiful sceneries along the way to entertain us.
Never bluff you right? Every where is so breathtaking lor... I wonder if Switzerland is the most photographed country in the world. Well, will never know anyway. Are you tired of reading already? I am tired of updating already, haha... till next post, i will conclude with the finale on the top of Europe and a brief stop at Geneva before this heavenly excursion ends. Tschuess!
Heh, it very very nice plc.
Guess i have to change my hoilday destination. Especially the sheep(so cute) and Mt Rigi(remind mi of winter sonata)heee.
Anywae can really see u are enjoying urself at Mt Rigi.Hope i can go there soon.
Btw hope to hear ur final conclude soon... ;-)
So do take care!!!
hw come u never take pics with the MEH MEH since u also a meh meh? hehe. the bunnies ur fren made were really adorable! hehee. all the pics are so nice lor, like in paradise like dat..
*rolls on the floor and screams "STAB Me stab me!! I am going green and purple with envy!! Quick! stab me before I go crazy!"* Ahhhh so nice!! argh..still giddy from rolling on the floor. I am saving up/almost there for melb. Bought tickets already. Now I everytime I need motivation to go visit you I will see those awfully sinful gorgeous photographs you took!
p/s:"Phweet wheet..was angela a good holiday companion? nudge nudge" LOL~
I was still in my dreamy state when nat caught me and asked me to your blog...
*TING* TING* *TING*!!!!!!!
IT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME!! Lost my words for it.....HAHHAHA, very very nice...
*envy envy envy*
arghz... Humph... I'm going to stop visiting your site... The photos are driving me crazy... I drool like no ppl business manz... I want to go also~~Sob Sob...
anom > haha thks for reading, just post up the last entry of the trip. Yeah shud go swiss if u r planning a holiday, hehe.
xiong > haha yeah.. like paradise
nut > cheh stil goin melb.. *leave nut on the floor vommiting white fluid
yeah angela is good, thks for the recommendation. Will find you again next time, but must give me discount already k?
teh ni > haha not sure if korea is as beautiful, maybe i m just sua ku cuz i have never been to a snow mountain
pinky mouse > come london and find your * again lor.. then can go honeymoon together! hehe..
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