After looking through the ma works of csm, which I thought are pretty impressive, I walked down Oxford St to look for Regent St for more exhibits. That was my first time in Oxford St (after hearing it for so long). It was a very busy street, wanted to take some photos to show you guys but I was just too busy dodging passer by and since the drizzle didn’t stop, I‘ll just do it next time.
Stopped at Regent St. to look at Gap Kids window display and Wunderville display, then rushed down to Habitat hoping to see their Room X display but silly me didn’t notice that It has already ended days ago. Since I have some time to kill while waiting for Angela to knock off work, I walked around Piccadilly Circus and decided to take some photos. Here is a view from the big junction:

*sorry for the lousy quality cuz i didnt have tripod with me la..
After that i decided to play with the shutter:
After that i decided to play with the shutter:

More night scenes:

Here's where Angela works (hmm.. close to i think)

That's Angela with our supersized cheese and pears pizza

More food! The mussels serving was generous!

and dessert :D

Here's where Angela works (hmm.. close to i think)

When the poor thing finally done with her work, she brought me to this nice little italian restaurant at Angel for dinner. It was nice, food and ambience. and we had a great fun chat. Hope that lighten her friday night a little since she has been traumatised by her work lately. We are looking forward to travel London with our only common friend too. Nat, u see this? haha

That's Angela with our supersized cheese and pears pizza

More food! The mussels serving was generous!

and dessert :D