Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friday I had an outing with the classmates. The group met at Oxford Circus and walked down to Chinatown to have lunch. After lunch we hung around Leicester Square and the girls decided that they wanted to do a movie and since the guys wasn’t interested, we went to play games at a nearby arcade instead. That was the first time I spent money playing arcade games in UK and I thought it was really silly because each game cost £1, which is a freaking S$3. Not long after the girls decided to drop the movie idea, we thought of moving to Covent Garden to look for a toyshop. In the midst of our journey, we popped by the National Portrait Gallery (which I had wanted to visit for a long time). I actually was quite fascinated with the paintings but too bad the group found it boring so they moved on quickly. Made a mental note to visit the gallery again and we stopped at Trafalgar Square not long after and it was there they decided to change the destination again. We visited the Institute of Contemporary Art instead and the guys wasted £1.50 looking at empty rooms. Ha ha, very contemporary indeed. After the visit I have to leave the group because the hall mates are meeting up for mid autumn fest dinner. During my journey home I was so anxious because I was supposed to give Angela a call to confirm about the dinner but I have forgotten to bring along her phone no. In the end she waited for me for a long time at Piccadilly Circus. I am really sorry about that.

The dinner was great with warm unity of the Chinese in the halls. Ha ha. There are more Chinese here actually but only 7 of us turned up for dinner but that was good enough. Chee Kuan and Angela did a great job on the food and we were all so full in the end. And Thanks to mom, I have got two mooncakes to share with them :D

Chee Kuan giving tips to the ladies, he is so damn hilarious :D

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