Last day at the ward for now, they have just informed that I could get a mid-day discharge. I am feeling neutral at the moment, glad at the release but not feeling relief because there’s still no explanation for my condition. They did another blood test but still found nothing wrong and now all pending is the readings from the device I had on me the past 24 hours, that’s if they could deduce any conclusion from that.
Still feeling strange while typing this, could it all be just my own imagination? I do not think so. Whenever there’s a chance I always try to exercise my mind and breathing pattern to see if there’s a difference, if it could get rid of this volatility state but none have seen succeeded.
Last night all the previous roommates were removed from the room, one got discharged while two others got transferred away. I was really mean when I yelped with joy knowing the uncle that was beside me was moved away.
I was totally sympathetic with his condition because I knew he was in great great pain, but at the same time, he was being such a negative energy in the room. His groan and mutter often freaked me out and off-putting thoughts ran through my mind as I try to rest. His callous family is the cherry on the icing. I can’t help but sway to the pessimistic side whenever I see him.
On the contrary, the new guys that moved in – another old man who’s in a much peaceful state and a younger man who suffered from hepatitis A create affirmative force much needed for the room.
The old man has got a very caring and carefree family that puts a smile on my face. His sons and daughters were in the wad until late last night, keeping him company while chatting liberally with him and each other. And early at 9am today, one of the daughters was already sitting beside the father reading a book while he is sleeping. That’s what I call a family.
As I am typing this, another younger man moved into the wad and apparently he had abdominal pain while consuming, a lot similar to the case of the previous uncle beside me and I get really concern with him. He has just lost his dad too due to bowel cancer.
I guess I need to get out of this place quite soon, positive atmosphere is essential for me to get well. I am grateful to everyone who has sent me text and well wishes, sorry I have not been responsive because I guess I am in a state of denial to be a patient.
Not to worry guys, I will recover soon.

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