Early in the morning they came and wheeled me to the cardiac center to do the 2D echo sound heart scan. When the scan was done, they installed on me an ECG monitor that I have to bear for 24 hours, with wires sticking all over my torso. They will remove it tomorrow morning they claimed.
I don’t know is it me or everyone in the ward is feeling grumpy today. The uncle opposite me was having spite with the nurses because they wanted to install the drip on him. I totally understand his frustration; nobody wants to be bounded by the bed here when, walking to the compound downstairs is the only solace you could seek. He was begging the nurses to give him 10 mins while he walked around before getting chained to the bed. Poor guy.
The neighbouring uncle was giving me loads of problem last night with the sound he made too, last night he was trembling so immensely that I can hear the whole bed shaking and him shivering very loudly. It doesn’t help when I just woken up by a bad dream and was in anxiety myself. It was a tough night.
I hope the ECG monitor on me will tell me an answer.