Just finished a damn full dinner and since i'm lazy to shower now, shall do this update but before that, Happy Birthday to yiyiong again! haha, it's a bit late but i did message you on time la :p u guys are really making me jealous la after seeing that clip, i am laughing so hard just seeing that bit and really miss u guys here... i was just looking through the pics we took during yiyong's birthday last year and nat was missing from the pics, this year is my turn alrady ...sighs
okay here are the updates, lots of peektures as usual...
This is taken outside National Gallery where i saw a lady doing this
massive painting on the floor. Actually can see painters like these
everywhere here but i just happened to see her leaving when
i was leaving the gallery too. It was drizzling but she just very xiao sa de roll up
her painting and walked in the rain... so tempted to follow her
just to see where she's up to

This is a field linked up to a hill nearby my school,
will walk pass it on my journey to school...
find it very nice but photo didnt do justice here

The cinema where i caught my first movie in London central... alone.. hahah
Louis was in town recently and i am supposed to bring him around, but guess i didnt do a good job as i am still not that familiar with the areas. 
Sausages and mashes at S&M. Before that we were struggling if
we should eat at the malaysian restaurant beside it, hahah...
but one nasi lemak for £5 is ridiculous la

Pulled him to brick lane and visited kinetica meseum at old spitafield market.
They are having an exhibition on kinetic and electronic display of life form.
It is kinda cool and got to know that Future Sound of London is going to do a
show there with Yamaha soon! This place gonna be my favourite haunt :D
More of brick lane, more girl stuffs, Jeri and Nat will like this place.
Saw these beauties at Regent st last Saturday. It was a good display
of veteran cars in London, all more than 100 yrs ago. Some have
only 2 horsepowers, 1 cilinder and uses steamer. Amazing.
And their wheels are like huge bicycle wheels and they uses oil lamps
as car light. The part that really give character is the posh
passenger seatings, full leather finish complete with umbrella
holder. Haha.. and the whole english family will dress up really
classy and went on trips on these motors. I am really interested in
knowing what is the maximum speed they can go but
they arent any meters on the car

Fireworks! again... It was Guy Fawkes and London was having
bonfire night every where. I went up to Alexander Palace with my
flatmates and viewed a generous display of fireworks for about
half an hour! I think the amount of powder is enough to let
Singapore run three years of NDP... hehe :p
I have taken some videos of the fireworks, will try to post them up.
p/s : can someone show mel the pics, she sure will be very excited. :D

Ending this post with my new free haircut! hahah..